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申请步骤 Application procedures2013-12-5 9:42:06

01注册账号:访问厦门大学海外教育学院主页,点击右上方的“Login”进入登录界面,然后点击“New account”,以你常用的电子邮件地址作为用户名注册新账号。
New Account: OEC web – Login – New account (email as username)

Program Type: Login and choose the type of program planning to take. Please make your choice carefully, for there is only one chance for each account.

Completing Information: Fill in all blanks in columns of personal information, contact information & program options and upload the required documents like passport, photos & certificates.

Submitting Application: You can submit your application after the above steps. The system will tell which step needing to be completed if it fails.

Application Status: Application is completed after the above steps. You can see the status of your application and the progress of OEC admission in the column of application status.


地址:中国福建省厦门市翔安南路厦门大学翔安校区坤銮楼(主楼群二号楼) 厦门大学海外教育学院 邮政编码:361102

电话: +86 (0)592 2186211 传真: +86 (0)592 2093346 oec@xmu.edu.cn 厦门大学 ICP D200045

友情链接: 厦门大学 | 厦门大学海外教育学院 | 中国华文教育网